Thursday, June 17, 2010

New Beginnings with a new Camera!

While recently sharing some ideas with a retreat group, we discussed the importance of "being in the now". I commented that if your present reality is not the "now" you want for yourself, there is always the potential for change. How many decisions in life brought us to where we are now? It takes only one decision to change direction and create a new reality. What if that reality brings us closer to authentic self-expression? Or fulfillment of our life purpose?

My life altering change was to leave my position of 12 years as a mental health and addictions counsellor, in a hospital, and to begin to chart unknown waters! Leaving my position and leaving the structure of an organization - after working in organizations for over 30 years - caused me to take a deep breath, and wonder what would occur next! As I did so, I felt a great sense of freedom and exhilaration! I concluded that if I wanted to see what results I could produce "on my own steam", it was now or never!

As I began the transition into the world of self-direction, and self-employment, I made room for new perspectives, including new ways of viewing myself in the world. Parallel to this was the need for a new camera, to capture my surroundings more clearly. Perfect timing indeed! This "Free Spirit" was about to explore a new path ahead, and wanted to see everything along the way!

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