The earth welcomes each new drop
Crow plucks worms from the soggy turf
I'm comfortable in my loft!
Could it be that this steady shower
Which began early on in the night
Is meant to deeply nourish the earth
And keep me from needless flight?
I chuckle as I think so
Because like the birds of prey
I haven't been able to sit still
Or to relax for much of the day!
More so like a hummingbird
Darting here and there
Finding this and that to focus upon
Will I continue this way all year?
Meanwhile there is a deck chair
Actually, two or three
Strategically placed at the water's edge
Where I unleash my creativity!
The chair represents a summons
To enjoy natural solitude
Relief from any encumbrance
A welcome interlude!
The possibility to go deeper
As with nature's energies I connect
The opportunity to engage again
With aspects of Self I want to resurrect
As if to confirm my thinking
The loon calls hauntingly from the bay
Encouraging me to pay attention
Not another moment to delay!
For there is so much to discover
More than meets the eye
The life force energy powerfully felt
When deep within I dive!
Beautifully written, I feel the invitation of the chair to sit peacefully with the calm mist of the lake. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful poem, and very creative photos.