Sunday, September 6, 2009

Natural Beginnings. . .

Surrounded by lakes, rocks, wildlife and trees, I live in a veritable paradise within the Canadian Shield. This has been my home for 29 years - far longer than the summer I originally came here for! I am blessed to live beside this lake, which leads into a river, and another lake, and another and another. Flying over this area in a small plane, one wonders where the roads are due to the presence of the vast forest, and so much water.
While I was originally drawn to this area due to its pristine beauty, I have gradually became aware of another phenomenon - the presence of a profound spiritual energy which subtly exerts its influence over those open to its call. I discovered that this is in large part due to the expanse of undeveloped area, and also to the presence of spiritual traditions which acknowledge the sacredness of Mother Nature.

My experience in the past few years is that "Mother Earth" is making her energies known in a more tangible way, and teachings abound. There appears to be a strengthening of the connection between me and the natural environment, and the spirit which calls me forth and teaches me. The wild animals, birds, water fowl, rocks, water and trees all have their own message for me. . . for each one of us. The message is couched in the seasons, and the cycles which supports life. Can it be that this message deepens and becomes easier to understand over time? I believe so, and it is the resulting insights which have led me to begin this blog. More to follow. . .

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